National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Cultural heritage of ecclesiastical institutions

Search results: 191 document(s)

"Hook" notation of the church psalms found by an official of special commission during the search of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" (Old Belief Heritage
lecture  [with digitized pages]

Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages and with comments]

Slavonic-Russian Manuscripts and Books published in Russia before the 18th C.
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages and with comments]

A letter of Olonets and Petrozavodsk bishop Ionafan to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grirorjev about incorrect construction of Lutheran meeting house in Vytegra
letter (1876)

Act of completion of works on renewal of an old shrine for relic of a Saint Alexander Svirsky
akt (1893, October, 6)

Agreement made between the Jewish community of Petrozavodsk and a rabbi R.G.Kats
contract (1902, November, 24)

Agreement on building a new silver shrine for relic of a Saint Alexander Svirsky made between the monastery and Saint-Petersburg silversmith Nikolay Gruzdev
contract (1877, July, 18)

Application for permission to strike the board to call people for praying in Leksinskoye settlement
application (1843,January)  [with digitized pages]

Application of V.I.Zholkovsky for building a Catholic church in Petrozavodsk
application (1898)


Application of civil peasants to the Olonets Governor for permission to hire people in Danilovskoye and Leksinskoye settlements for different household works
application (1856,29 of October)  [with digitized pages]


Article about collecting donation for building a Jewish meeting-house in Petrozavodsk
article (1903, March, 11)


Article about the first New-Year divine service in the new meeting-house of Petrozavodsk
article (1904, September, 2)


Article in the newspaper "Olonets province gazette" about Ladvinsky Bogolubsky Kiriko-Iulitinsky female monastery
article (1904)


Article in the newspaper "Olonets province gazette" about sanctification of Lutheran church built in Petrozavodsk in 1871-1872
article (1873, August, 11)


Brief review of Father-Superior Pimen"s visit to Zadne-Nikiforovskaya hermitage
description (1879)


Catholic community of Petrozavodsk
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages and with comments]


Chronicle data about duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (father of Alexander Nevsky) baptising Karelians in 1227
data  [with digitized pages]


Chronicle of the church of the Saint Virgin in Shuya of Petrozavodsk uyezd
church chronicle (1867-1911)


Church-Slavonic manuscript alphabet found by an official of special commission during the search of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn
unknown type  [with digitized pages]


Collection of register books of Evangelical-Lutheran parishes of the Olonets province
register book (1891-1918)


Confidential letter of the earl Stenbock, the official of special commission under the Minister of internal affairs, to the Olonets Governor Dolgorukov Yu.A. about wanderer"s sect
letter (1852,7 of November)


Confidential order of the Department of the Ministry of internal affairs to the Olonets Governor to liquidate a dissident chapel in the village of Sovdozero
order (1856, 30 of December)


Congratulations on New Year and wishes of the grand duke Nikolay Nikolayevich to Russian people in foreign lands for the year 1925
unknown type ([1924])


Correspondence about building a new cathedral on the main square in Petrozavodsk
report ([1844-1859])


Correspondence of the Soviet of people"s Commissars of the KFSSR and Executive Committee of Kurkijoksky district Soviet about closing and reconstructing Lutheran church in Lakhdenpokhja
letter (1946)


Data about a bishop Starorussky (ruling the Olonets diocese) being ordained a bishop of Voronezh
report (1788, May, 6)


Data about appointing archimandrite Yuryev from the monastery of Ioanniky to be a bishop of Olonets
minutes (1775, August, 5)


Data about appointing archimandrite Yuryev from the monastery of Viktor to be a bishop of Olonets and Kargopol
memorandum (1782, July, 10)


Data about archimandrite Veniamin being ordained a bishop of Olonets
minutes (1774, August, 21)


Data about church possessions
report (1764, May, 29)

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture