National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Agapov V.М.

Search results: 14 document(s)

Act of the condition of a wooden Kemsky Uspensky cathedral
akt (1945, July, 18)

Agapov Vasily Michailovich (1898-1984)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]

Data on the history of appearance and problems of development of folk embroidery in the Karelian-Finnish SSR
summary  [with digitized pages]

Drawings and description of the sketch "Table-cloths of peace" made by a painter V.M.Agapov
drawing (1953-1954)

Letters of a painter V.N.Popov to the painters V.M.Agapov and E.S.Lavrinenko
letter (1942-1944)  [with digitized pages]

Letters to V.M.Agapov and catalogues of exhibitions of works of the Honoured master of folk arts of the Ukrainian SSR embroideress V.S.Roik
letter (1976-1980)

List of the works of applied and fine arts created by a painter V.M.Agapov
list ([1964])  [with digitized pages]

Prospectus of lectures on the history of the Karelian fine arts
booklet ([1956])  [with digitized pages]

Samples of ornaments used in the works of applied and fine arts created by a painter V.M.Agapov
drawing (1947-1958)


Sketch of towel-picture "Kullervo, the shepherd" by motifs of the epos "Kalevala" made by a painter V.M.Agapov
sketch (1947-1948)  [with digitized pages]


Sketches and drafts of the Emblem of the Karelian-Finnish SSR made by a painter V.M.Agapov
sketch (1944)


Sketches and final variant of a panel "Legendary tour of Toivo Antikainen" made by a painter V.M.Agapov
sketch (1947)


Sketches of curtain-picture "Vyajnyamejnen is playing kantele" by motifs of the epos "Kalevala" made by a painter V.M.Agapov
sketch (1947-1948)  [with digitized pages]


Telegrams of congratulation from the family of the sculptor S.T.Konenkov to the painter V.M.Agapov

National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture