National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Barsov Е.V.

Search results: 11 document(s)

Barsov Yelpidifor Vasiljevich (1836-1917)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]

Data about Ye.V.Barsov"s official work from the list of civil, military ranks and ecclesiastics published in "Notebook of the Olonets province dd. 1868-1869"
data (1868, March, 20)  [with digitized pages]

Description of manuscripts and books kept in Vygoleskinskaya library
book (1874 г.)  [with digitized pages]

Information in "Olonets province gazette" about receiving the first part of Ye.V.Barsov"s collection "Lamentations of the Northern land" and a book review
information (1872, November, 4)

Letter of the Chairman of Moscow archaeological society to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the society Ye.V.Barsov to a research expedition
letter (1875, May, 18)  [with digitized pages]

Letter of the director of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums V.A.Dashkov to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the Society of old-Russian art Ye.V.Barsov to the expedition around the Olonets province
letter (1871, June, 2)  [with digitized pages]

Letter of the director of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums and the chairman of the Society of old-Russian art V.A.Dashkov to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the society Ye.V.Barsov to an expedition around the Olonets Province
letter (1871, June, 2)  [with digitized pages]

Ye.V.Barsov"s article in "Olonets province gazette" "A story about a trip to Solovki of Peter the Great"
article (1872, January, 29)

Ye.V.Barsov"s inscription on the title-page of his book "Lamentations of the Northern land collected by Ye.V.Barsov" to a teacher of the Olonets theological seminary N.A.Odintsov
settlement (1872)  [with digitized pages]


Ye.V.Barsov"s inscription on the title-page of his book "Paleostrov, its life and significance in Obonezhsky region" to a secretary of the Olonets Consistory I.I.Gilyarovsky
settlement (1869, March, 10)  [with digitized pages]


Ye.V.Barsov"s inscription on the title-page of his book "Saint hermits of Obonezhye" to an archpriest and a teacher of the Olonets theological seminary I.A.Lebedev
settlement (1868, December, 20)  [with digitized pages]

National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture