National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Dashkov V.А.

Search results: 4 document(s)

Dashkov Vasily Andreyevich (1819-1896)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]

Letter of the director of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums V.A.Dashkov to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the Society of old-Russian art Ye.V.Barsov to the expedition around the Olonets province
letter (1871, June, 2)  [with digitized pages]

Letter of the director of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums and the chairman of the Society of old-Russian art V.A.Dashkov to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the society Ye.V.Barsov to an expedition around the Olonets Province
letter (1871, June, 2)  [with digitized pages]

Obituary of V.A.Dashkov"s death, the director of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums and the councillor of State, in "Olonets province gazette"
obituary notice (1896, January, 27)  [with digitized pages]

National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture