National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

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Search results: 734 document(s)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about building post-offices and roads
minutes (1785, 18 of April)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about difficulties in organising the administration work
minutes (1785, 4 of January)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about fining Common Law courts (Common Law court = Zemstvo - elective district council in pre-Revolutionary Russia) for a delay in assigning recruits and sending fine-fee to the department of public charity
minutes (1785, 12 of May)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about fining members of Court of Appeal for violating the dates of consideration of proceedings and about transferring these funds in favour of victims or schools
minutes (1785, 27 of May)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about lower Common Law courts paying fines for a delay in sending peasants and petty bourgeoisie to construction works in St-Petersburg
minutes (1785, 11 of April)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about making up a project and estimate and determining a place for building a cathedral, Episcopal house and public school in Petrozavodsk
minutes (1785, May, 29)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about measures aimed at forests preservation in the areas of the Ladoga and Onega lakes
minutes (1785, 28 of May)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about punishing officials for violating their duties and labour discipline and about granting them a bonus " for diligence and desire to do the job"
minutes (1785, 23 of January)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about recruiting registered peasants to carry coal and ore
minutes (1785 г. 31 января)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about sending peasants of Olonets Uyezd to forced labour after finishing field-work to prevent them from being ruined
minutes (1785, 7 of May)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about sending representatives of the Upper Common Law court, province magistrate and Courts of Appeal to the meeting of Olonets department of public charity
minutes (1785, 2 of January)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about speeding-up payment to officials because of their extreme poverty
minutes (1785, 12 of March)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about the beginning of works on making plans of uyezd towns and a map of the Olonets region
minutes (1785, May, 12)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about the necessity of making maps of navigable rivers and about strict control over rivers
minutes (1785, 20 of May)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about the order of appointment and dismissal of officials in the Olonets province administration
minutes (1785, 20 of June)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about the order of paying officials of the Olonets administration
minutes (1785, 28 of January)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about the results of work on establishing a Russian-Swedish border in the north of the Olonets region
minutes (1785, April, 4)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin prohibiting to pick up eggs of wild birds in spring-time
minutes (1785, 30 of April)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin with a list of furniture of the office of the Olonets province administration
minutes (1785, 26 of March)


Report of the Olonets province administration to the Olonets Governor Yakovlev A.I. on the trip to Pomorze aimed at finding and registering the hiding dissidents
report (1835, 12 of July)


Report of the Olonets province department of public education on teaching activities of the painter Popov V.N. in pre-Revolutionary time
report (1920, 16 of June)


Report of the Olonets public chamber to the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov about giving money to an official P.N.Rybnikov sent on business
message (1861, February, 4)


Report of the Olonets-Petrovsky works" administration to G.R.Derzhavin of the beginning of work of Alexandrovsky works in Petrozavodsk
report (1784, 7 of February)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Povenets district police officer to the Olonets Governor on dissident chapels not shown in the documents of Ecclesiastical department and shown in the police registers
report (1855, 9 of February)


Report of the Saint-Petersburg Security Department to the Head of the Olonets province gendarme administration about N.A.Kluyev living in Saint-Petersburg at his brother-in-law"s (V.P.Rascheperin) place
message (1913, February, 28)


Report of the Shozhemsky Pogost"s priest on relations of old-believers of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" with peasants of nearby villages and dwellers of Kargopol
message (1855, 19 of April)


Report of the Vytegra district police officer to the Olonets Governor about N.A.Kluyev"s imprisonment in Vytegra on 25, January, 1906
message (1906, February, 7)


Report of the Vytegra uyezd police officer to the Olonets Governor about N.A.Kluyev"s relations with "Folk/National circle" in Moscow and about sending his works to Moscow for being published there
report (1906, January, 26)


Report of the administration of art issues under the Soviet of people"s commissars of the Karelian-Finnish SSR on V.N.Popov painting a picture "Young partisans" in 1943
report ([not earlier] 1944, 1 of January)


Report of the cavalry sergeant-major of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Assistant Head of the gendarme administration about N.A.Kluyev spreading antigovernment booklets among the students of Verhnepyatnitskoye specialised school
report (1912, March, 6)

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture