National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

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Search results: 734 document(s)


Report of Petrozavodsk chief of city police to the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration about P.N.Rybnikov"s arrival in Petrozavodsk and the fact that he was taken to the city police
report (1859, March, 3)


Report of Petrozavodsk police office to the Olonets province administration about the number of the Jews living in Petrozavodsk, separately males and females, and the number of houses owned by them
report (1900, January, 14)


Report of a priest Afanasy Grigoryev to the Olonets-Petrovsky works" administration about teaching infants Russian reading and writing
report (1736)


Report of ethnographical department of the Emperor Russian geographical society on the results of N.F.Leskov"s first expedition aimed at the study of the way of life of the Karelians of Petrozavodsky uyezd
report (1916)


Report of the Assistant Head of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Head of Moscow Security Department about publishing N.A.Kluyev"s collection of poems "Fraternal songs" in Moscow and sending part of author"s emoluments to his father
message (1913, February, 7)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Assistant Head of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Head of gendarme administration about publishing N.A.Kluyev"s first collections of poems in Moscow
message (1913, February, 8)


Report of the Assistant Head of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Head of the gendarme administration about N.A.Kluyev living in Saint-Petersburg in February 1913
message (1913, February, 8)


Report of the Captain of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Head of Moscow Security Department about N.A.Kluyev"s participation in the activities of "Folk/National circle" headed by P.A.Travin
message (1906, March, 20)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Captain of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Head of Saint-Petersburg gendarme administration about N.A.Kluyev"s revolutionary activities in Makachevskaya volost of Vytegra uyezd in 1905-1906
report (1906, March, 24)


Report of the Catholics of the Olonets province to the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov about the necessity to build a Polish Roman-Catholic church in Petrozavodsk
note (1862)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Commission of ethnographical department of the Emperor Russian geographical society on awarding N.F.Leskov a silver medal for ethnographical study of the life of the Karelians of the Olonets province
report (1893,12 of May)


Report of the Committee for final reconstruction of Isaac"s Cathedral in St-Petersburg on A.Monferrand"s visit to Ruskeala marble deposit and his suggestion to use marble of blue tints for construction of the cathedral
message (1821, 31 of January)


Report of the Committee for final reconstruction of Isaac"s Cathedral in St-Petersburg to the inspector of Ruskeala marble deposit on A.Monferrand"s study of the correspondence of colour and size of marble prepared for construction of Isaac"s Cathedral
message (1821, 1 of August)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Committee for final reconstruction of Isaac"s Cathedral in St-Petersburg to the inspector of Ruskeala marble deposit on giving a bonus to workmen for "diligent work" suggested by A.Monferrand, the architect
message (1821, 17 of November)


Report of the Council of Order of Saint Vladimir to the Empress Catherine II about assigning Senate chief-secretary A.Ya.Polenov to the position of the Council Secretary
report (1786)


Report of the Emperor Russian geographical society for 1893 on N.F.Leskov"s performance at the society meeting summarising the results of his trips to Olonets and Petrozavodsk uyezds of the Olonets province and Serdobolny uyezd of the Vyborg province
report (1893,26 of November)


Report of the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration to the Olonets Governor about delivering a birth-certificate and a graduation-certificate of P.N.Rybnikov who was under surveillance of police in Petrozavodsk
message (1859, February, 27)


Report of the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration to the Olonets Governor about the reasons for sending a candidate of Moscow University P.N.Rybnikov to live in Petrozavodsk
message (1859, February, 26)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Kargopol district head to the Olonets Chamber of the State property on final removal of woods from pulled down constructions of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn"
message (1859, 31 of January)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Kargopol district police officer to the Olonets Governor on liquidation of all constructions, a cemetery and a chapel in Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn", on exiling all people living there and instituting police control over them
report (1857,10 of March)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Nimensky parish"s priest to an official of special commission on foundation of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" in 1760 and about activities of its founder Ivan Ivanov and his successors Yefim Iljin and Fedor Iljin
message (1855 ,23 of April)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev to the Committee of Justice of the Kingdom of Poland about the death of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding in Kargopol
message (1873, July, 24)


Report of the Olonets archbishop Arkady to the Olonets Governor Volkov N.P. on exiling all old-believers living in Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" and carrying out their spiritual and moral re-education in the place of registration and living
message (1857 ,21 of February)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Olonets province administration about G.R.Derzhavin"s participation in executing manifesto of Catherine II about nobility privileges and the City statute
minutes (1785, 20 of May)


Report of the Olonets province administration about information sent by Common Law courts to G.R.Derzhavin about rivers, lakes and mountains
minutes (1785, 19 of March)


Report of the Olonets province administration about organization of clerical work in offices of the Olonets province
minutes (1785, 9 of January)


Report of the Olonets province administration about organization of office work offices of the Olonets province and institutions within its jurisdiction
minutes (1785, 20 of January)


Report of the Olonets province administration based on the results of the inspection of the province carried out by the Olonets Governor P.A.Lachinov in 1828
report (1829, March, 18)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about allocating Petrozavodsk merchant Nikifor Bakanin some land for building brickworks
minutes (1785, 13 of June)


Report of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about auditing and making lists of peasants and petty bourgeoisie avoiding recruiting
minutes (1785, 11 of January)

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture