National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Search results

Search results: 734 document(s)


Order of the Olonets deputy noble assembly to deny decision-making concerning A.Ya.Polenov"s belonging to the noble family
resolution (1791, August, 28)


Order of the Olonets governor V.F.Mertens to a councillor of the Olonets province administration G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov, about sending him to examine the condition of bridges and a road from Vytegra to Badog
instructions (1819, July, 18)


Order of the Olonets governor V.F.Mertens to a councillor of the Olonets province administration G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov, about the control over repair works of the roads in Vytegorsky uyezd
instructions (1819, July)


Order of the Olonets province administration permitting G.R.Derzhavin to travel to Saint-Petersburg and a collegiate councillor S.N.Zinovjev to temporarily fulfil his duties
decree (1785, November, 24)


Order of the Olonets province administration to Petrozavodsk city council about G.R.Derzhavin"s departure from Petrozavodsk for surveying the Olonets province
decree (1785, July, 21)  [with digitized pages]


Order of the Olonets province assembly to allocate money for building a monument to the Emperor Alexander II in Petrozavodsk
resolution (1881, December, 12)


Order of the Soviet of Ministers of the KASSR dd. 7, July, 1958 to decline Lutherans" petition about building Lutheran church in Petrozavodsk and registering Lutheran parish
resolution (1958, July, 2)


Order of the Soviet of people"s commissars of the Karelian-Finnish SSR about granting a merit pension to a national painter of the republic V.N.Popov
resolution (1944, 2 of October)


Order of the department of foreign confessions to the Olonets Governor about permission given to Catholics living in Petrozavodsk to build a church at their own expense
instructions (1897, November, 14)  [with digitized pages]


Order to transfer the house bought by soldiers-Jews of Petrozavodsk battalion for worship in the authority of the battalion
verdict (1868, February, 14)


Paper signed by the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov necessary for a business trip of the collegiate secretary P.N.Rybnikov
authority for travelling on business (1861, January, 5)


Pashkova Anna Mikhailovna
photography (1938)


Patent for granting a former land major A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Senate secretary by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)


Patent for granting a land brigadier A.Ya.Polenov a rank of councillor of State by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)


Patent for granting a land colonel A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Senate chief-secretary by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)


Patent for granting a land lieutenant-colonel and Senate secretary A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Court counsellor by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)


Performance given by the artists of the Russian Drama theatre to the builders of radio-TV centre in Petrozavodsk
photography (1950-ties)  [with digitized pages]


Personal particulars of the painter Popov V.N
questionnaire (1920, 8 of June)


Personal record of Lea Helo - a member of the Union of soviet writers of the USSR
unknown type (1948, January, 3)  [with digitized pages]


Perttunen Tatiana
photography (1980)


Petition of Petrozavodsk Jews to permit them to build a praying house, nominate management and a rabbi
application (1900, September, 25)


Petition of Petrozavodsk Jews to the Olonets Governor to let them organise a community, nominate management and a rabbi
application (1899, August, 31)


Petition of a widow of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev
envelope (1873, July, 17)  [with digitized pages]


Petition of a widow of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev for receiving a death-certificate of her husband in order to submit it to the Committee of Justice of the Kingdom of Poland to settle a question of inheritance
application (1873, July, 17)  [with digitized pages]


Petrozavodsk Uyezd police officer"s report to the Olonets Governor about confirming Oscar Lindberg"s (pastor of Markovo-Yarvisarsky parish of Saint-Petersburg province) appointment as a preacher of Evangelical-Lutheran parish of Olonets province
report (1914-1915)


Petrozavodsk chief of city police"s report to Petrozavodsk police office about allocating a flat to a Catholic priest for doping occasional religious rites
report (1867)


Philology in Vygovskaya Pomorskaya Pustyn
book (1911)


Photocopy of the diploma of K.S.Stanislavsky State Prize winner Toivo Haimi
diploma ([1972])  [with digitized pages]


Photograph of Sulo Tuorila acting Glumov in the performance of the Finnish Drama Theatre of Karelia "Even a wise man stumbles" staged by A.N.Ostrovsky"s play with annotation
photography (1954)  [with digitized pages]


Photograph of Sulo Tuorila acting Hlestakov in the performance of the Finnish Drama Theatre of Karelia "Inspector" staged by N.V.Gogol"s play with annotation
photography  [with digitized pages]

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture