National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Search results

Search results: 734 document(s)


N.M.Yakkola"s article "To help beginning writers"
article  [with digitized pages]


N.M.Yakkola"s certificate of his release from military service
certificate (1946, April, 1)


N.M.Yakkola"s membership card of the Union of writers of the USSR
membership card (1957, July, 18)  [with digitized pages]


N.M.Yakkola"s photograph


N.M.Yakkola"s poem
poetry (1946, April, 7)


N.M.Yakkola"s poems
poetry  [with digitized pages]


photography (1946)  [with digitized pages]


Narrator Bykova
photography  [with digitized pages]


Narrator"s performance
photography (1947)  [with digitized pages]


Newspaper article "Kluyev"s performance in Petrograd"
information (1918, December, 4)


Newspaper article about N.A.Kluyev granting his works to the Karelian public library
message (1926, August, 19)


Nikolay Laine"s translation of the song "Earth song" to words from Ye.A.Dolmatovsky and music from D.Shostakovich into the Finnish language
translation (1953)  [with digitized pages]


Note about presenting the project (suggested A.Monferrand) of building Alexander-Nevskaya church in Petrozavodsk to the Emperor Alexander I
note (1819, 6 of August)  [with digitized pages]


Note of the dean of Kronstadt cathedral archpriest Ioann to the Kronstadt abbot of Valaamsky monastery Father-Superior Gavriil about sending two pilgrims from Surskoye village of the Arkhangelsk province to Valaamsky monastery
note (1898, May, 22)


Notes of unknown monk about private life in Valaamsky monastery


Notes written in "poluustav" (one of the methods of Slavonic script when cursive letters are added to block letters) found by search in the house of a peasant Fedor Iljin in Kondratovskaya village


Notification given to the head and the teacher of art-industrial workshops of Petrozavodsk Popov V.N.
certification (1920, 17 of May)


Notification of the Chairman of the Committee for final reconstruction of Isaac"s Cathedral in St-Petersburg earl Golovin to the inspector of Ruskeala marble deposit Yefremov about marble quarrying for outward decoration of Isaac"s Cathedral
notification (1819, 29 of July)  [with digitized pages]


Notification of the Committee for final reconstruction of Isaac"s Cathedral in St-Petersburg about A.Monferrand"s high appraisal of marble prepared at Ruskeala marble deposit for construction of Isaac"s Cathedral
notification (1821, 15 of November)


Notification of the Committee for final reconstruction of Isaac"s Cathedral in St-Petersburg to the inspector of Ruskeala marble deposit about sending A.Monferrand to check on marble prepared for revetment of Isaac"s Cathedral
notification (1820, 24 of July)  [with digitized pages]


Notification of the Government Senate to governor-general of the Olonets and Arkhangelsk province T.I.Tutolmin about the receipt of the decree of Catherine II appointing G.R.Derzhavin the Governor of the Olonets region
notification (1784, 27 of May)  [with digitized pages]


Notification of the Head of Saint-Petersburg province gendarme administration to the Olonets province gendarme administration about finding N.A.Kluyev"s address at the arrested in Saint-Petersburg member of the All-Russian Peasant Union P.A.Myakotin
notification (1906, March, 14)


Notification of the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration to the Olonets Governor of the permission of the Emperor to employ P.N.Rybnikov in the staff of the administration of the Olonets Governor
notification (1859, May, 25)


Notification of the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration to the Olonets Governor of the refusal to satisfy the petition of the Olonets Governor about releasing P.N.Rybnikov from surveillance and allowing him to choose a residence at his own will
notification (1861, February, 27)


Notification of the Minister of Internal affairs to the Olonets Governor of the collegiate assessor P.N.Rybnikov"s release from surveillance and the permission given to him to settle anywhere in Russia except for capital cities and their provinces
notification (1864, April, 19)


Notification of the Olonets Governor given to Povenets uyezd district police officer of sending N.F.Leskov (by order of the Russian geographical society) to Povenets uyezd for ethnographical study of the Karelian population and of rendering him assistance in this work
notification (1895, 7 of June)  [with digitized pages]


Notification of the Olonets Governor to I.Nudi, a pastor of the Olonets evangelical parish, permitting O.Huttunen and F.Zalkovsky, a gymnasia teacher, to preach in Petrozavodsk Lutheran church in Finnish and German
notification (1909)


Notification of the Olonets Governor to the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration of P.N.Rybnikov"s arrival in Petrozavodsk accompanied by gendarme officer
notification (1859, March, 3)


Notification of the Olonets Governor to the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration of receiving P.N.Rybnikov"s birth-certificate and graduation-certificate
notification (1859, March, 10)


Notification of the Olonets Governor to the Minister of Internal affairs of bringing a candidate of Moscow University P.N.Rybnikov to Petrozavodsk and order given to Petrozavodsk chief of city police to put strict surveillance over him
notification (1859, March, 10)

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture