National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

From the history of Orthodoxy in Karelia

Search results: 95 document(s)


Description of opening a cave-church built under the cathedral of Petrozavodsk in honour of Saint fathers Olonets enlighteners and miracle men
church chronicle (Not earlier than 1866)


Description of the Temple of Saint prophet Iliya Vedlozersky of the parish of the Olonets uyezd
church register (1900)


Description of the ceremony of removal of shroud with relic of Kiev and Novgorod saints and miracle men from the cathedral of Resurrection to a new Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Petrozavodsk
church chronicle (Not earlier than 1872)


Description of the chapel in Petrozavodsk erected above the tomb of the blessed Faddey Petrozavodsky
church chronicle (Not earlier 1884)


Description of the fence around Peter-and-Paul cathedral and the cathedral of Resurrection in Petrozavodsk
church chronicle (1887)


Description of the plan of a new cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Petrozavodsk
church chronicle (Not earlier than 1859)


Description of the temple of Saint Nikolay, a miracle man, in Vedlozero parish of the Olonets uyezd
church register (1900)


Estimate made up upon the project of the architect Postnikov A.I. (Postnikov A.I.) for building a church attached to Alexandrovsky works in Petrozavodsk
estimate (1826, 8 of February)


File of keeping antiquities in the churches of the Olonets diocese
report (1878)


File of the Olonets-Petrovsky works" administration with mentioning a bishop of Olonets and Kargopol who was subordinate to Novgorod metropolis
minutes (1772, December, 4)


Foundation of the Olonets diocese
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]


Historical review of Petropavlovsky temple in the settlement Martial+ waters
report (1872, February, 12)


Information about an old church of Nikolay-miracle man in Klimenetsky monastery and record of the laying of a new church
data (1879, June, 21)


Information about building Peter-and-Paul church in Petrozavodsk in honour of the first apostles Peter and Paul
church chronicle (XIX)


Information about building a church attached to a male gymnasia in Petrozavodsk
report (1896)


Information about building a church attached to a male gymnasia in Petrozavodsk
report (1896)


Information about building a church of the Holy Spirit in the sloboda (sloboda - a large settlement)Petrovskiye works
church chronicle (XIX )


Information about building a new stone church in the name of Saint parsons Nikifor and Gennady Vazheozerskiye in Zadne-Nikiforovskaya hermitage
data ([Not earlier than in 1858])


Information about building in Petrozavodsk a new cathedral in honour of Descent of the Holy Spirit
church chronicle (XIX )


Information about celebrating the quadricentennial of Alexandro-Svirsky monastery
data (1905)


Information about chapels attached to Alexander-Nevskaya church in Petrozavodsk
data (1883 )


Information about church and monastery property of temples and monasteries of Ostrechenskaya volost of Petrozavodsky uyezd
analitical table (1920, August, 30)


Information about churches with churchyards: church of Trinity and church of Exaltation of the Cross
register of the church (1865 )


Information about icons of Peter-and-Paul church of Petrozavodsk
church chronicle (XIX )


Information about immovable property of monasteries and pustyns of the Olonets diocese
data ([Not earlier than 1911])


Information about inspection of Alexandro-Svirsky, Alexandro-Oshevensky, Paleostrovsky, Klimenetsky, Kargopolsky male and female monasteries, Zadne-Nikiforovskaya, Syandebskaya, Andrusovskaya and Kirillo-Chelmogorskaya pustyns of the Olonets diocese
data (1905)


Information about lands, churches and other buildings of Muromsky monastery
data ([Not earlier than in 1865])


Information about laying in Petrozavodsk a new cathedral in honour of Descent of the Holy Spirit upon apostles
church chronicle (Not earlier than 1860)


Information about location of orthodox chapels in Petrozavodsk
list (1874 )


Information about old churches and monasteries of the Olonets province gathered by collegiate assessor Aberlukhtin
data (1844 )

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture