National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

From the history of Orthodoxy in Karelia

Search results: 95 document(s)

Act of completion of works on renewal of an old shrine for relic of a Saint Alexander Svirsky
akt (1893, October, 6)

Agreement on building a new silver shrine for relic of a Saint Alexander Svirsky made between the monastery and Saint-Petersburg silversmith Nikolay Gruzdev
contract (1877, July, 18)

Article in the newspaper "Olonets province gazette" about Ladvinsky Bogolubsky Kiriko-Iulitinsky female monastery
article (1904)

Brief review of Father-Superior Pimen"s visit to Zadne-Nikiforovskaya hermitage
description (1879)

Chronicle data about duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (father of Alexander Nevsky) baptising Karelians in 1227
data  [with digitized pages]

Chronicle of the church of the Saint Virgin in Shuya of Petrozavodsk uyezd
church chronicle (1867-1911)

Correspondence about building a new cathedral on the main square in Petrozavodsk
report ([1844-1859])

Data about a bishop Starorussky (ruling the Olonets diocese) being ordained a bishop of Voronezh
report (1788, May, 6)

Data about appointing archimandrite Yuryev from the monastery of Ioanniky to be a bishop of Olonets
minutes (1775, August, 5)


Data about appointing archimandrite Yuryev from the monastery of Viktor to be a bishop of Olonets and Kargopol
memorandum (1782, July, 10)


Data about archimandrite Veniamin being ordained a bishop of Olonets
minutes (1774, August, 21)


Data about church possessions
report (1764, May, 29)


Data about duke Alexander Nevsky"s march with Novgorod citizens and Karelians to Yem" and Koporje in 1241
data  [with digitized pages]


Decree about transferring some Olonets parishes from the Arkhangelsk diocese to the Novgorod diocese
decree (1797, March, 13)


Decree of Catherine II appointing archimandrite of Hutynsky monastery named Feofil to be a bishop for governing the Olonets diocese
decree (1787, June, 1)  [with digitized pages]


Decree of the Empress Catherine II to the Synod about uniting the Olonets and Arkhangelsk dioceses
decree (1787, May, 15)  [with digitized pages]


Decree of the Empress Catherine II to the Synod about uniting the Olonets and Arkhangelsk dioceses
decree (1787, May, 15)  [with digitized pages]


Decree of the Holy Synod about the duties of Ecclesiastical institution to provide village youths with primary education


Decree of the Novgorod province administration announcing the decree of the Synod about charging a bishop of Novgorod Dosifey with governing churches which were transferred from the Arkhangelsk diocese to the Novgorod province because of abolition of the Olonets province
decree (1798, November, 6)  [with digitized pages]


Decree of the Novgorod province administration announcing the decree of the Synod about charging a bishop of Novgorod Dosifey with governing churches which were transferred from the Arkhangelsk diocese to the Novgorod province because of abolition of the Olonets province
decree (1798, November, 6)  [with digitized pages]


Decree of the Synod about uniting the Olonets and Arkhangelsk dioceses headed by a bishop Feofil
decree (1787, May, 15)  [with digitized pages]


Description of 14 Olonets monasteries
description (1904)


Description of Paleostrovsky monastery
description (1885)


Description of a bell tower situated near the cathedral of Resurrection in Petrozavodsk
church chronicle (Not earlier 1875)


Description of divine service in honour of establishment of cross on the main cupola of the cathedral of the Holy Spirit that is being built in Petrozavodsk
church chronicle (Not earlier 1869)


Description of iconostasis, altar and icons of the cathedral of Resurrection (former cathedral of the Holy Spirit)in Petrozavodsk
church chronicle (Not earlier 1875)


Description of old churches of Olonets uyezd
report (1873, 6 of April)


Description of old churches of Vytegra uyezd
report (1873, 1 of May)


Description of old temples of Kargopol uyezd
report (1872, 24 of May)


Description of old temples of Petrozavodsk uyezd
report (1872, 29 of May)

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture