National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Lodejnopolsky Uyezd (district)

Search results: 2 document(s)

Extract from the case of the Olonets Chamber of criminal and civil court about cutting down woods by a land-owing lady Sablina in the country-side of a landlord D.V.Polenov
extract (1852, December, 23)

Information from the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about a country property in Yerpenichi country-side of Lodeynopolsky uyezd that belonged to a councilor of State D.V.Polenov
record (1861, July, 10)  [with digitized pages]

National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture