National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Olonets Province

Search results: 116 document(s)


Register of the number of dissidents of different sects in the Olonets province for years 1848
register (1848 )


Register of the number of secret dissidents in Petrozavodsk uyezd
register (1861)


Registers of Alexandro-Oshevensky monastery and hermitages attached to it
register of the church ([Not earlier than in 1865])


Registers of old-believers and dissidents of different consents and sects for the year 1833
register (1833)


Registers of the Olonets province dissidents and their meeting houses for the year 1852
register (1853,14 of February)


Report about construction and repair of the churches of the Olonets diocese
report (1904)


Report of ethnographical department of the Emperor Russian geographical society on the results of N.F.Leskov"s first expedition aimed at the study of the way of life of the Karelians of Petrozavodsky uyezd
report (1916)


Report of the Captain of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Head of Saint-Petersburg gendarme administration about N.A.Kluyev"s revolutionary activities in Makachevskaya volost of Vytegra uyezd in 1905-1906
report (1906, March, 24)


Report of the Kargopol district head to the Olonets Chamber of the State property on final removal of woods from pulled down constructions of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn"
message (1859, 31 of January)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Kargopol district police officer to the Olonets Governor on liquidation of all constructions, a cemetery and a chapel in Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn", on exiling all people living there and instituting police control over them
report (1857,10 of March)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev to the Committee of Justice of the Kingdom of Poland about the death of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding in Kargopol
message (1873, July, 24)


Report of the Olonets archbishop Arkady to the Olonets Governor Volkov N.P. on exiling all old-believers living in Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" and carrying out their spiritual and moral re-education in the place of registration and living
message (1857 ,21 of February)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Olonets province administration based on the results of the inspection of the province carried out by the Olonets Governor P.A.Lachinov in 1828
report (1829, March, 18)


Report of the Olonets province administration to the Olonets Governor Yakovlev A.I. on the trip to Pomorze aimed at finding and registering the hiding dissidents
report (1835, 12 of July)


Report of the Povenets district police officer to the Olonets Governor on dissident chapels not shown in the documents of Ecclesiastical department and shown in the police registers
report (1855, 9 of February)


Report of the Shozhemsky Pogost"s priest on relations of old-believers of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" with peasants of nearby villages and dwellers of Kargopol
message (1855, 19 of April)


Report of the cavalry sergeant-major of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Assistant Head of the gendarme administration about N.A.Kluyev spreading antigovernment booklets among the students of Verhnepyatnitskoye specialised school
report (1912, March, 6)


Report of the cavalry sergeant-major of the Olonets province gendarme administration to the Assistant Head of the gendarme administration about searching N.A.Kluyev"s apartment and his imprisonment in Vytegra
report (1906, January, 26)


Report of the circuit missionary of Petrozavodsk uyezd - a priest Vasily Rzhanovsky, on the dissidence in the district for the year 1900
report (1901,1 of February)


Report of the circuit missionary of Povenets uyezd - a priest Pavel Kudryavtsev, on the dissidence in the district for the year 1900
report (1901,27 of January)


Report of the councillor of the Olonets province administration V.G.Benediktov to the Olonets Governor V.F.Mertens about the results of examining the road from Vytegra to Badog and about a coming visit of the Emperor Alexander I to the Olonets province
report (1819, July, 16)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the official of special commission to the Olonets Governor on devastation of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn
report (1857, 29 of March)


Report of the priest of Vytegorsky cathedral Adrian Blagoveschensky about events connected with a name of Peter the Great happening within his province
report (1872)


Report to the Olonets province administration about opening uyezd town Kem by G.R.Derzhavin
message (1785, August, 22)  [with digitized pages]


Reports of the Povenets district police officer to the Olonets Governor on dissidents chapels
report (1855-1856 )


Travel allowance paper signed by the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov necessary for a business trip of the collegiate secretary P.N.Rybnikov
authority for travelling by post-chaise

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture