National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Olonets Province

Search results: 116 document(s)


Information about building a new stone church in the name of Saint parsons Nikifor and Gennady Vazheozerskiye in Zadne-Nikiforovskaya hermitage
data ([Not earlier than in 1858])


Information about celebrating the quadricentennial of Alexandro-Svirsky monastery
data (1905)


Information about church and monastery property of temples and monasteries of Ostrechenskaya volost of Petrozavodsky uyezd
analitical table (1920, August, 30)


Information about immovable property of monasteries and pustyns of the Olonets diocese
data ([Not earlier than 1911])


Information about inspection of Alexandro-Svirsky, Alexandro-Oshevensky, Paleostrovsky, Klimenetsky, Kargopolsky male and female monasteries, Zadne-Nikiforovskaya, Syandebskaya, Andrusovskaya and Kirillo-Chelmogorskaya pustyns of the Olonets diocese
data (1905)


Information about lands, churches and other buildings of Muromsky monastery
data ([Not earlier than in 1865])


Information about old churches and monasteries of the Olonets province gathered by collegiate assessor Aberlukhtin
data (1844 )


Information about organization of schools for the deaf mute attached to the monasteries of the Olonets diocese
data (1900)


Information about removal of relic of a Saint Alexander Svirsky from a new shrine to an old one donated by a duke Michail Fedorovich Romanov
data (1892, October, 21)


Information about sanctification of Spasopreobrazhensky temple in Alexandro-Svirsky monastery
data (1859)


Information about the condition of Klimenetsky monastery
report (1864)


Information about the grand duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and his wife visiting Alexandro-Svirsky monastery
data (1887, July, 16)


Information about the knowledge of the Karelian language of the priests of Sunsky Pogost
data (1859, September, 2)


Information about the knowledge of the Karelian language of the priests of the Olonets parish
data (1859, April, 30)


Information about the priests of Solomensky parish speaking the Karelian and Vepssky languages
data (1850, May, 4)


Information from the list of noblemen of the Olonets province awarded bronze medals in memory of 1812 for putting them in the buttonhole on Vladimirskaya ribbon about awarding G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov
data (1815)


Information from the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about a country property in Yerpenichi country-side of Lodeynopolsky uyezd that belonged to a councilor of State D.V.Polenov
record (1861, July, 10)  [with digitized pages]


Information from the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about a country property in Yerpenichi country-side of Lodeynopolsky uyezd that belonged to a councilor of State D.V.Polenov
record (1861, July, 10)  [with digitized pages]


Inquiry by order of authors of a notebook for collecting alms by dissidents
minutes (1835,7 of October)


Inspection record of the Olonets province of the Povenets uyezd of the old-belief community of the 7th revision
record (1816, 14 of March)


Inspection records of the Olonets diocese for 1811
inspection record (1811)


Inventory of a chapel attached to almshouse in Leksinskoye dissident settlement
list/description (1860,22 of January)


Inventory of property of the church of Christ Epiphany of Ivinsky parish of Petrozavodsky uyezd
list/description (1919, July, 18)


Inventory of property of the church of the Saint Virgin of Ostrechensky parish of Petrozavodsky uyezd
list/description (1920, August, 4)


Letter of councillor of State, Senate chief-secretary, holder of an order of Saint Vladimir A.Ya.Polenov to the Olonets deputy noble assembly providing evidence of his belonging to the noble family
letter (1786, October, 5)


Letter of the Chairman of Moscow archaeological society to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the society Ye.V.Barsov to a research expedition
letter (1875, May, 18)  [with digitized pages]


Letter of the Chairman of the Emperor Russian Geographical society F.P.Litke to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about a coming trip of the chairman of the ethnography department A.F.Gilferding around the Olonets province and about rendering him assistance
letter (1871, May, 26)  [with digitized pages]


Letter of the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev to a widow of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding about sending information about her husband"s death in Kargopol to the Committee of Justice of the Kingdom of Poland in order to settle a question of inheritance
letter (1873, July, 24)


Letter of the Olonets archbishop to the Olonets Governor about moving icons and other property of the chapel attached to almshouse in Leksinskoye settlement to the house of the Pavlovs, the dissidents
letter (1862,8 of February)


Letter of the director of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums V.A.Dashkov to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the Society of old-Russian art Ye.V.Barsov to the expedition around the Olonets province
letter (1871, June, 2)  [with digitized pages]

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture