National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture


Search results: 13 document(s)

"Hook" notation of the church psalms found by an official of special commission during the search of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" (Old Belief Heritage
lecture  [with digitized pages]

Church-Slavonic manuscript alphabet found by an official of special commission during the search of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn
unknown type  [with digitized pages]

D.Ya.Gusarov"s diaries
diary (1940-ties., 1950)

Funeral note found by an official of special commission during the search of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn
note  [with digitized pages]

List of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" dwellers
list (1855 April-June)

Minutes of the meeting of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin about imprisoning Kargopol volost headman (volost - small rural district) for spending peasants" money on bribing officials of Kargopol lower volost court
minutes (1785, February, 28)

Notes written in "poluustav" (one of the methods of Slavonic script when cursive letters are added to block letters) found by search in the house of a peasant Fedor Iljin in Kondratovskaya village

Record of the death-prayer found by an official of special commission during the search of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn"
record  [with digitized pages]

Report of the Kargopol district head to the Olonets Chamber of the State property on final removal of woods from pulled down constructions of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn"
message (1859, 31 of January)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Kargopol district police officer to the Olonets Governor on liquidation of all constructions, a cemetery and a chapel in Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn", on exiling all people living there and instituting police control over them
report (1857,10 of March)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Olonets archbishop Arkady to the Olonets Governor Volkov N.P. on exiling all old-believers living in Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" and carrying out their spiritual and moral re-education in the place of registration and living
message (1857 ,21 of February)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Shozhemsky Pogost"s priest on relations of old-believers of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" with peasants of nearby villages and dwellers of Kargopol
message (1855, 19 of April)


Report of the official of special commission to the Olonets Governor on devastation of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn
report (1857, 29 of March)

National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture